Alone Time Is Sacred

Take time alone to be committed to the most important relationship you will ever know, the one with yourself.

We need time alone to know ourselves, to feel our own magic.

Solitude is sacred and healing.

It allows space for inspiration to arrive and for our conversations with the spirit world to deepen.

Time alone lets us hear what dwells within, the whispers of our inner wisdom.

When we are alone, we see how much we love ourselves.

Enjoying your own company alone, is one key to know how much you love yourself and how much you are nourishing your relationship with yourself. If you are quick to put on a podcast, music or netflix when you are alone, ask yourself, what am I distracting myself from? Maybe it's your potential, or maybe it's potential disguised as a wound…

So make an effort to spend time alone everyday, in silence, it may feel uncomfortable at first but know that's healing too. Maybe even go on a dinner date for one or book to go travelling alone. Remember giving time to your lifelong relationship with yourself is never wasted, make yourself feel loved, wanted and appreciated by you…


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